Meet Jake

Why did you decide to join BUMA and what motivated you to continue to pursue a career?
I always wanted to do a trade when I was younger, and I was lucky enough to earn an apprenticeship as a boilermaker at Meandu.
What specific skills or knowledge have you gained during your apprenticeship?
Not only have I learnt skills surrounding the boilermaker trade (such as welding, gouging, fabrication), but I’ve also learnt great people skills and how to work well in a team.
Can you share a challenging task or project that helped you develop new skills?
Refurbing dragline or digger buckets are always a good challenge because there are so many components that contribute to the job, but it’s rewarding when you look at the finished product and think “I contributed to that”.
How has the on-the-job training contributed to your professional development?
The training has definitely helped because they are the skills that I use as a tradesman everyday.
What challenges have you encountered in your role, and how did you go about solving them?
Cutting out and welding a new wall in a dragline bucket can be quite difficult, because the new wall sometimes doesn’t quite match the same thickness as a bucket that’s been worn for a while. But after using precise measurements and the correct tooling to make the wall fit, the job becomes much easier.
How do you contribute to your team, and can you share a successful collaboration experience?
I try to go out of my way to help out the team as best I can to make the work go as quick and smooth as possible. Jobs like washplant down days or dragline down days can be completed more efficiently if the job is set up properly and everyone is putting in great effort.
How would you describe the company culture?
The company culture is a great culture to be apart of. It’s always a good sign when you look forward to go to work and you enjoy being around the people there.
In what ways do you see your role evolving within the company or in the industry?
Being a boilermaker in the mining industry will continue to be a huge role in maintaining many different machines (such as draglines, diggers, dump trucks, drills, dozers and washplants). It’s exciting to think about what is in store for the future of the trade.
Have you had a mentor during your apprenticeship, and how has that relationship impacted your learning?
I was lucky enough to have worked in the main workshop, the bucket shop and the washplant during my apprenticeship so I have a number of mentors that have helped me become a tradesman.
How important do you think mentorship is for someone in your position?
Having mentors as an apprentice is so vital for learning. Not only does mentoring help an apprentice grow as a tradesperson but it also creates a great bond and an even greater friendship.
If you could offer advice to future apprentices joining the company, what would it be based on your experience?
Put in the effort and work hard on every job that’s assigned to you, learn from your mistakes, and the only dumb question is the one that isn’t asked. Tradies are there to help you so if you don’t understand something, always ask.